My Endometriosis Journey
An honest summary of what it is like living with endometriosis and what I did to help with my endo symptoms! I drink a lot...
Read MoreWe have relocated to Melbourne! You can do Click & Collect at our new studios in Kilsyth.
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An honest summary of what it is like living with endometriosis and what I did to help with my endo symptoms! I drink a lot...
Read MoreRitual is so important for the Chai Walli team, and in this blog we share Uppma's tea-sipping schedule...
Read MoreBehind every small business' product and website is a team of dedicated, and downright awesome people! And Chai Walli is no different. What started as...
Read More"A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change."
Read MoreWhat is Galentine's Day and who is Uppma's best friend?
Read MoreIn this blog we reflect on the new products we released, the awards we won and the connections we made this year.
Read More"It was such an honour to be invited onto Channel 10's The Living Room TV show to share a piece of my beautiful cultural heritage...
Read MoreOn a recent trip to India, Uppma wanted to get to know her local Chai Walla a little more. Here's our #HumansofChai: India Edition.
Read MoreWatch Uppma's Chai 101 video for step by step instructions to brew the perfect masala chai at home!
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