The story behind our Lemongrass Chai

The story behind our Lemongrass Chai

The Birth of Lemongrass Chai

Conceived: June 2020 in Uppma's kitchen.

Date of birth: November 20th, 2020.

Why we brought it into the world: A chance encounter with a lemongrass-infused chai in India and to bring ritual and calmness during COVID.

Tasting notes: Light, citrus, minty, uplifting.

Pair with: A cheese platter with manchego, cheddar and fruit pastes. A spiced tea cake. 

Enjoy when: It’s hot outside but you still would like a hot chai or for a light and mellow afternoon treat. We love brewing a big thermos of this blend and taking it to work and on adventures!

Brew: The traditional way or try it iced. When brewing traditionally on the stove top, we recommend giving this a little bit of extra time to extract it’s deep flavours.




All good things need a story, a reason for being and a purpose. This is absolutely true when it comes to how our gorgeous Lemongrass Chai was born! 

The idea for our Lemongrass Chai came from a trip that Uppma took to Bombay (Mumbai) a few years ago. It was a classic, hot Indian Summer day. Those that know Uppma know that she is NOT a big fan of the heat, and would much prefer a cooler wintery day with a cup of hot chai. But, being India, it doesn’t matter the weather - chai is a MUST at all times! Thankfully, on this searing day, Uppma was offered a hot chai with a twist. The local Chai Wallah had added Lemongrass to his brew. 

Chai Wallah in India preparing hot chai.

We have no doubt that this gentleman Chai Wallah knew of the cooling Ayurvedic properties of this herb. It can assist with balancing the doshas of Pitta and Kapha as well as help with digestive issues. What this Chai Wallah didn’t know is that whilst Uppma was enjoying every sip, she was also thinking about how she could bring this blend back to Australia! 

Uppma in a red top drinking a cup of chai

And so, in Uppma’s kitchen in June of 2020, our Lemongrass Chai was born. When we talk about this blend, the words we use include mellow, uplifting and subtle. Uppma removed the stronger, more punchy spices like cloves and mace from our classic chai blends, and replaced them with loving lemongrass and calming peppermint.

Shop: Chai Walli Lemongrass Chai 100g

She also created a caffeine free blend which really epitomises the chill-out factor that she was looking for with this creation. 

Created during #COVID, the intentions behind our Lemongrass Chai was to introduce something to our communitea that encouraged people to slow down. Lockdowns throughout Australia, and the world, were forcing us to take things at a different pace. So, Uppma wanted to introduce a tea that would coincide with that, but also allow for more ritual during a time when we may have felt like we had none.

Hands holding a cup of chai.

The beautea of this tea is that it is perfect for super hot summer days! We still love drinking a hot chai during our day, so rather than getting all spicy with our turmeric and clove-heavy Golden Chai, the Lemongrass Chai will cool you from the inside out! Of course, it also makes a gorgeous iced chai. If you need a refresher on how to brew chai the traditional way - check out this video.

And if you’re looking to get a bit fancy? Uppma recommends our Lemongrass Chai served alongside a chilled cheese platter, featuring manchego, cheddar and fruit pastes. For something a little sweeter, serve up a spiced tea cake: we love Tessa’s Tea Cake, by Ottelenghi (google’re welcome!). 

We are thrilled to have brought our newest chai blends into this world and hope that you are enjoying them too. If you're including our Lemongrass Chai in your daily rituals, let us know!

Chai Walli Lemongrass Chai 100g $15
Chai Walli Caffeine Free Lemongrass Chai 100g $16

Uppma and friend in India drinking chai


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