Product of the Month: Organic Single Origin and Fair Trade Teas

Product of the Month: Organic Single Origin and Fair Trade Teas

Date of birth: Our beautiful Single Origin blends English Breakfast, Earl Grey and Jasmine Green Tea have been in the Chai Walli family for five years now. 

Why we brought it into the world: Sometimes, you just want a simple, classic tea to enjoy! Uppma travelled through India tasting some of the most amazing teas from the valleys in Assam to the mountains of Nilgiris. These three fine teas are the result of her travels.

Introducing our three Single Origin Tea's!

English Breakfast Tea

Our English Breakfast is a beautiful black tea with golden tips and a full-bodied flavour. We love this tea with a dash of milk and a teaspoon of Jaggery, though it can be enjoyed black as well. 

Tasting Notes: Smoky, rich, hearty, floral, smooth and toasted caramel.

Pair With: Your favourite dipping biscuits or our heart-warming recipe for 'Chai Sticky Date Pudding'.

Enjoy When: Enjoy our English breakfast first thing in the morning to warm up your day.

Brew: Put 1-2 heaped teaspoons in one small teapot. Add water at 100 degrees Celsius and brew for 1-2 minutes until desired strength achieved. Add a dash of milk and sugar if desired.

Earl Grey Tea

Our Earl Grey is robust and a mix of black tea leaves and true bergamot oils. Bergamot adds a citrusy note to this tea, and it can be enjoyed with or without milk. We love it on it's own! 

Tasting Notes: Moody, malt, citrus.

Pair With: If you want to get crafty, you can make Lisa's 'Mini Chai Poached Pear Cakes with Chai Crème Anglaise'. The sweetness of the pear would "pear" (see what I did there) well with the citrus and malt notes in the Earl Grey. 

Enjoy When: Enjoy our Earl Grey for a light, afternoon pick me up.

Brew: Put 1-2 heaped teaspoons in a teapot. Add water at 100 degrees Celsius and brew for 2-4 minutes until desired strength achieved.

Jasmine Green Tea

The Jasmine Green Tea is a blend of high quality green tea leaves and beautiful jasmine flowers. These blossoms give the tea a sweet, floral flavour. Best enjoyed without milk.

Tasting Notes: Floral, bright and well rounded.

Pair with: Your favourite dark chocolate, or unsweetened pastries like croissants.  

Enjoy when: Enjoy our Jasmine Green tea for a calming come-down from a busy day whilst reading your favourite book, or soaking in the last sun rays in your backyard. 

Brew: Put 1-2 heaped teaspoons in one small teapot. Add water at 97 degrees Celsius and brew for 1-2 minutes until desired strength achieved.


What Tea Lovers say about Chai Walli's Single Origin Teas:

"I have been looking for a great Earl Grey for such a long time. I accidentally came across this and am absolutely in love! My tea time now taste as fancy as if I was sitting with the queen (who I'm sure chooses Earl Grey over English Breakfast every time!)" - Tori 

"For a coffee drinker this tea is very nice (English Breakfast)" - Chris

Please note, these reviews are from verified buyers of this blend.




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