Humans of Chai: Singer Songwriter - Ali Barter

Humans of Chai: Singer Songwriter - Ali Barter

Every now and then we love to share a chai (either in person, or virtually) with a friend of Chai Walli. We like to call it #HumansofChai.

Our next #HumansofChai is a Chai Walli fave! Ali Barter is a Melbourne based singer songwriter who also happens to have a thing for chai! We met this superwoman when she attended one of our chai masterclasses. She volunteered to brew up some chai, made it extra spicy and didn't hold back on the jaggery, we loved it! After sliding into each other's DM's and then going gaga over how well @alibarter brews her #chaiwalli, we decided to feature her in our #humansofchai. Her journey into chai is so unique and beautiful, we hope you have fun reading our QnA with Ali over a cuppa.

Ali Barter drinking chai

Chai Walli: Hey Ali, we'd love to hear about your chai rituals.
Ali: My chai ritual involves a quiet morning in my kitchen, some chilled music, maybe a lovely movie soundtrack - I like the ‘Water’ soundtrack by Deepa Mehta. Then I brew 2 big teaspoons of Chai Walli Golden Chai in a small saucepan with full cream milk, a nice teaspoon of sugar and then I sip it piping hot from a chai glass.

CW: How did you find out about Chai Walli?
A: Through Instagram. Then I joined the mailing list and came to a chai workshop. I wanted to learn how to make real chai as I’ve never been able to find it outside of India. The Chai Walli showed me how!

CW: What is your fav #chaiwalli blend + why?
A: I love the Golden Chai. I think it’s a bit more intense than the original flavour. I like strong chai so this is my fave. 

 And lastly, what's your fondest memory of chai? 
A: I remember drinking chai in India when I was 13 years old and just falling in love. So my fondest chai memories are of drinking chai in the street in India. Night or day, cold weather or sticky and hot, chai in India is always right!

Authentic masala chai being served by a chai wallah in india
CW: Thanks Ali!

We love the idea of sipping on chai whilst listening to some sweet tunes, and we certainly recommend! We've also really enjoyed Ali's bedroom gigs that she's been performing live on instagram during #covid19. You can find Ali @alibarter


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